How to install visual studio code on chromebook
How to install visual studio code on chromebook

VS Code Remote Development is probably one of the biggest features of this IDE, as it allows you to use a container, remote machine, or the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) as a full-featured development environment. With this alias, every time we type dev, we will automatically connect to the remote workstation and attach to the tmux session currently in use (or will create a new one if none exists). bashrcĪlias dev = 'ssh workstation -t "tmux attach || tmux new"' Download the latest binary (using the direct download link) and install $ cat.Open the Linux terminal on your Chromebook.Thanks to the Linux Backend we can also install Visual Studio Code for Linux:

how to install visual studio code on chromebook

Setup can take around 10 minutes, but it is pretty straightforward.

  • Under " Linux (Beta)" select " Turn On".
  • At the bottom right of your screen, select the time.
  • You can refer to the official documentation from Google ( Set up Linux (Beta) on your Chromebook) to see how to set it up, but in short the process is more or less like the following: Linux (Beta) is a feature that lets you develop software using your Chromebook: with it, you can install Linux command line tools, code editors, and even IDEs. This post was originally published on Maon my personal blog: įirst of all, there are a couple of prerequisites you'll have to install on your Chromebook: mainly a shell, and Visual Studio Code (VSCode). This post will show you how how to setup a Chromebook for remote development: starting from how to streamline SSH access (with key-based authentication, a tailored SSH profile, and automatic spawning of tmux), how to setup VSCode Remote to edit files directly on the remote workstation, and how to access from your Chromebook services that are local to the remote workstation. Assuming you have a Linux workstation somewhere (it could be in the cloud, or in a network you can VPN into), how can you improve your day-to-day experience?

    How to install visual studio code on chromebook